About Me

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I'm just a crazy young mom doing what's best for my son and me, while trying to find my place in the world. I'm addicted to a few things... (nothing bad of course) and one is talking! lol That may be typing/talking... I just don't like to keep many of my thoughts to myself apparently. I love new friends and would love to "meet" you!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Busy With Boredom

Well, I don't have much to report, which is why I haven't blogged in a few days.

Christmas was fun, the little monster really didn't know what to do with all the presents; he was content just playing with the first thing he opened. It was cute though! He loved his kid's mp3 player-ish thingy, and Uncle's bike! Silly boy.

Today was packed full of dramatic things. We won't get into some of them... but Bon Qui Qui says it best when she says "Girl, I cut him!". Someone's about to get cut if they keep it up.

Then we went to Applebee's for dinner (had a gift card for Christmas) and it was the worst restaurant experience ever. None of the food was good, they were out of baked potatoes, and boneless wings (which are the 2 things I usually get!). Our waitress sucked. Then to top it all off, I took the boy to the bathroom to wash our hands... went to get a papertowel to dry them AND THE FREAKING DISPENSER FELL OFF THE WALL luckily my reflexes worked and I caught it with my leg before it took the boy out!

I couldn't believe it! Ugh, needless to say we will NOT be going back there again. Which is sad, because there aren't many restaurant options already in this stupid teeny town.

We also went to Kohls, and I got a couple cute things.... all for under $8. So that was pretty sweet. I love sales like that.

Okay well I don't even know what to say, i'm not in the greatest mood and so my mind is busy being pissed off I guess.

Abrazos y besos

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Money, money, money...

I freaking HATE money. Seriously. So I'm still on my parents "family plan" for cell phone. Well I don't use my phone very much to talk on.. but people do call me, and so I do talk on it. Well last month my mom freaking used 700 minutes of our shared 1400. I only used 450. and my stepdad used about 450 too. Well we went over and it just happened to be that MY PHONE was the one to be charged, I guess it was like on the last day of the term or something? idk but I'm freaking furious because they are making ME pay the overages freaking $64. Um hello assholes you can see that I didn't even use that many! Rah!

The day that I can support babyboy and I on my own, move out, and have a vehicle... They will hate it. Because I will not be looking back for a looong time.

This doesn't even touch on all the money that they had "saved for college" for me... yea where is it? Oh that's right they went bankrupt and were completely broke when I was in like 7th grade... so what money did they use and never pay back? That would be my college fund. So thanks for that.

Ugh I seriously CAN'T STAND this shit! I need to take some gold-digger lessons because seriously, those girls get shit just for being pretty or occasionally putting out.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Disney Names

On one of my name forums, there was the question of "baby names inspired by or ruined by Disney characters"

This was my response:
I adore Anastasia, so much so that it's in my top 3! The one thing that used to turn me off about it (now I don't mind) is Disney! But really, the name has so much history with the Russian family anyway that even without the Disney movie, it'd have been connected so...I still love it!

I also love Esmeralda nn Esme! However, with this one, I think that the Disney pull almost makes it unusable (for me). I guess because she's a gypsy and they portray the gypsys in not the best light...

Fantasia.. I think it's a gorgeous name, and I had one in my sociology class this semester (college) she's probably in her early twenties now... But I will admit I thought it was rather weird when she introduced herself!

Many of the names I do think of the characters but it doesn't have THAT much of a pull for me, ie Alice, Wendy, Belle, Aurora, Bianca, and Oliver.

On the flipside though, I am currently debating whether or not Penelope should be crossed off my list or not due to the new exposure and the "pig" connection becoming even stronger...I don't want my beloved Penelope becoming like Annabelle! (the cow)!

I guess it just depends on the name, a lot of the names that they've used, I'd never think of using anyway-take Mickey for instance. But, on a name forum today, someone was pondering Mickey for their unborn son. I'm so glad that everyone has such different taste. Imagine if we were ALL naming our children Aidan and Emma! Eek!

Bronx Mowgli Wentz

Name Review:
I think it's awful; the whole thing.
I mean, I can appreciate that they wanted to be different-whatever. That did not mean for them to take a random city that isn't even used as a "place name" and turn it into a fn... and then to pair it with the jungle book!? seriously? No thank you.

That being said, Mowgli has something about it that I like. Maybe it's just the endearing memories I have of the Jungle Book itself as a child?

Idk, but personally I don't think many celebrababies should be have to endure being named by their parents! lol

Stormy Nights = Dangerous Dreams

Our much awaited ice/snow storm came in the middle of the night last night (it had supposed to come at like noon yesterday but whatev). It started a bit before I went to bed, just messing with the cable and net signal... but then I slept through it and when I woke up I didn't know why my [annoying] little sister was in the bathroom, it was already ten! lol

So I found my brother and he said school was cancelled, I get to thinking "wow, our district might as well call school off all winter!" since it didn't seem like the storm had happened and they were just fearful that it would and the roads would be too bad for the buses to drive on... But nope, apparently we got like 2 inches of ice! Eek! I can't wait to eventually move back to FL [or PR w/ Sizzuryp!]!

Okay so thats the gist of the stormy night... Now for the dangerous dream. Well a friend of mine recently found out that she's pregnant with numero dos y su hija nacio despues de mi hijo. Lol I forgot to put the disclaimer that I randomly speak spanish in everyday conversation! I just wrote that without even meaning to!

okay so back to the background story... Her daugher is a little younger than my son, and her eggo is now preggo with baby #2. So we were talking and she was like "you have to be preggo with me again! get on it! Little boy needs a sibling!" I of course was like "OH. EM. GEE. you did NOT just wish that upon me!?!" I would LOVE to have more children (between 2-5 more!) but now is just not the right time!

Apparently the dream was a continuation of the "what-ifs" that that particular convo proposed. It would not be a good thing at all if I were to get pregnant now. I don't believe in abortion (or the MA pill) for me... But I honestly do not see how I could raise two LO's by myself, and go to school, on no income :(! Ugh all I know is it better not come true! PP here I come lmao! I do guess there is always adoption, but that would be the hardest thing for me to do I think. I don't think i'd be able to go through with it... Especially because I know i'm a great mom to my son. Oh well though I'm just knocking on wood and i'll be making an appt to PP asap!

Be safe. Be abstinent. :teehee:

Thursday, December 18, 2008

LJ transplant

well too many freako's that I don't want reading personal shizz about me found my livejournal... so i'm giving blogger a try! :)

I am rather opinionated and don't hesitate to tell it like it is so i'll probably get to some controversial subjects and what-have-you, if you don't want to read it.. then don't. After all, it's only my opinion and i'm just a face behind a laptop in the massive world of blogging.

I'm also quite name-obsessed so i'll probably talk about that more than once on here too... Again, it's more for me than for you so... disregard it if you wish!

Happy Blogging!