About Me

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I'm just a crazy young mom doing what's best for my son and me, while trying to find my place in the world. I'm addicted to a few things... (nothing bad of course) and one is talking! lol That may be typing/talking... I just don't like to keep many of my thoughts to myself apparently. I love new friends and would love to "meet" you!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

solamente bitching.

I really have nothing of importance to say but... i'm bored and feel like typing so I figured I'd blog about the drama of my life.

I'm so sick of games. Seriously kid, grow the eff up because I do NOT want to date you. You finally come clean about sleeping with that chick... which you swore to me HOW many times that you had NOT done anything more than kiss anyone else since we'd been messing around. Um wow. That makes me feel fantastic. Especially since bitch is FUGLY (and no i'm not just being la verdad. que triste, isn't it?). When are you going to realize you're just a booty call to me?! It annoys the shit out of me when you want to cuddle after or when you try to be all buddy buddy in public. Um... last time I checked, you were using me. Don't pretend to care.. Oh and don't freaking bring up "what if you got pregnant" every single time we do something. omg. we've been through it how many times. And yes homes, you would be paying child support for the next 18 years and your "ex" gf WOULD find out so... might wanna be careful about that one huh... or atleast with all the other chicks 'cause it'd really blow if you had more than one illegitamate child while you're here for college huh?. Ha.

ugh i'll bitch more later D is sleeping on my arm and its falling asleep soi gotta OHT.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

In other news...

School BLOWS. I'm so sick of it already! Ugh! What was I thinking taking 16 credits this semester?! I'm sooo not going to do well. I mean, so far they aren't "hard" persay, they're just so time consuming. The 3 in person ones (well 4 but the other hasn't met yet) are sooooo extremely boring. I love the clase de espanol... pero I HATE la tarea. Ugh! I just ant to rip out my hair.

I haven't even started two of my classes yet. I'm going to FAIL. Ay dios mio. But what's new with that? School has always sucked.

In other news, the toddler terror seems to love daycare! Which is so exciting! Today he didn't want to leave and we stayed there for another hour, me talking to the lady and him playing with the boys. <3. It makes me happy that he doesn't hate it. He's the youngest one there and he absolutely thrives being with those older boys! They were playing follow the leader and he kept right up with them and would watch them to see what they were doing and then try to do it too! It was so cute! My baby is growing up. *tear*

Eh, well it's late. I suppose I should go to sleep. Buenos noches bitches.


STOP with the mind games!!!

Okay seriously... You're not my husband. Fuck, you're not even my boyfriend. There is NO reason to lie to me. I honestly don't even care that you have a gf back home... or gf in general. It's the fact that you fucking try to lie about it and say that you don't and then comment her on myspace saying "happy 1 year 11 months babe!!" TWO FUCKING DAYS AGO. Um Obviously you have a girl. I'm not an idiot and I have my ways of viewing shit you think I can't see. Remember, stop trying to play a fucking FEMALE honors student. I'll win. Trust me i'm wayy smarter than you.

That being said, I don't even really care about any of it anymore. I made the mistake of caring about you the first time around and I really shouldn't even be messing around with you anymore but... what can I say, it's amazing. I just wish you'd stop freaking lying to me! Gawd! Don't you realize that people ALWAYS find out. Monkeygirl WILL find out someday. I'm sure she already has suspicions, hell, I did/do and I see you atleast 4 days a week! But I've decided I don't give a damn about it. You're nothing but an orgasm to me [well maybe multiple... but still]. rofl.

You get jealous when I ignore you in public and talk to other guys. You get jealous when you think i'm "talking" to other people... and you freaking tell your mom you're chilling with me and then when the topic of me getting pregnant gets brought up you're so non-chalant about it... Which is a guy thing, i'm sure, but you'd think since you have a gf back home and you are just playing stupid games you'd be a little more worried about it, you know, considering I'm obviously not infertile and all. Pero if you want to be stupid, go the fuck ahead, I won't mind collecting child support for the 18 years following the birth of said "oops" baby.

I just don't get it. I mean, I can totally understand cheating. I can totally understand not wanting to commit. What I don't understand is the reason behind the lies. I have been completely honest with you and even told you it's okay if there is someone else (or more). I just want to KNOW so that I can decide if I want to sleep with the whole town or not. I don't think that's too much to ask.

Oh and this time around. Do NOT act like you give a damn about my kid. You don't. Or else you wouldn't lie to me. Friend or not, you do not give a fuck about either of us. You're no true "friend" to me. And I swear to the holy lord above, if you open your mouth again about us... You will be missing an appendage or two. >_<. Or maybe i'll just tell miss monkey, in my last dying breath. Keep that in mind "sweetie".


Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Ugh I absolutely can't stand anyone anymore. Well no that's not true, I'm just on the rag and extremely hormonal and moody! Haha. So today was the first day back at school. Two of my classes were continuing from first semester... and had lectures already *bangs head against wall*. Then I found out that the one class I was really looking forward to [social problems] the teacher is a radical die-hard liberal. OH JOY. The whole class is about your view on all the different social problems and ish like that... and now I will be disagreeing with practically EVERYTHING my teacher thinks! Ugh! Same shit as last semester in Soc. I am not having a good time with these opinion classes, apparently.

Then I saw Mr. Fiddle... and he got a great big grin when he saw me. Aww, how cute, right? Wrong! He came up to me and gave me a hug. I just bit my lip and sucked it up... asked how break was... and said I had to go "find my class" (mind you our college is teensy... and I was RIGHT next to the room! haha) So he texted me "I can tell you're mad at me... btw you're looking good today :/" W.T.F! The asshat didn't even text me like at all over break, and now that he's back he's already freaking acting like nothing ever happened.

How stupid. Slick is an idiot as usual.

The boy had a great first day at his new daycare! :D

and I just had a complete brain-lapse and I can't remember what else I wanted/needed to say! haha


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Anita where art thou?

Eh, so i've been MIA again... For shame, I know.

I really need to get in the habit of doing this daily instead of... oh idk bathing? haha jk. But seriously, one of you get on me to blog everyday! Or, all of you would be even better!

So there has been a terrible amount of drama on the forum I regular lately. Freaking trolls. It's wonderful when they stick around for OVER A YEAR and are sooo wrapped up in their fake lives that they don't even realize that they are lying anymore. Oh did I mention that they stole 9 months worth of pictures of someone elses family so that they could pass them off as their own? Yea. Can we say psychopath? She also wants to continue being best friends with the best friend she had on there... Too bad their friendship was based off of A FAKE BABY! People are insane.

So... make sure you don't post too much info that you keep public on the interwebz.

As for RL news... Nothing much is new. I'm laame.. lol I'm currently makin no-bake cookies... at 10:30 pm. Yes, I know, I rawk. Well guess I should go eat 'em while they're hot. I like 'em best that way
