About Me

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I'm just a crazy young mom doing what's best for my son and me, while trying to find my place in the world. I'm addicted to a few things... (nothing bad of course) and one is talking! lol That may be typing/talking... I just don't like to keep many of my thoughts to myself apparently. I love new friends and would love to "meet" you!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Ugh I absolutely can't stand anyone anymore. Well no that's not true, I'm just on the rag and extremely hormonal and moody! Haha. So today was the first day back at school. Two of my classes were continuing from first semester... and had lectures already *bangs head against wall*. Then I found out that the one class I was really looking forward to [social problems] the teacher is a radical die-hard liberal. OH JOY. The whole class is about your view on all the different social problems and ish like that... and now I will be disagreeing with practically EVERYTHING my teacher thinks! Ugh! Same shit as last semester in Soc. I am not having a good time with these opinion classes, apparently.

Then I saw Mr. Fiddle... and he got a great big grin when he saw me. Aww, how cute, right? Wrong! He came up to me and gave me a hug. I just bit my lip and sucked it up... asked how break was... and said I had to go "find my class" (mind you our college is teensy... and I was RIGHT next to the room! haha) So he texted me "I can tell you're mad at me... btw you're looking good today :/" W.T.F! The asshat didn't even text me like at all over break, and now that he's back he's already freaking acting like nothing ever happened.

How stupid. Slick is an idiot as usual.

The boy had a great first day at his new daycare! :D

and I just had a complete brain-lapse and I can't remember what else I wanted/needed to say! haha
