About Me

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I'm just a crazy young mom doing what's best for my son and me, while trying to find my place in the world. I'm addicted to a few things... (nothing bad of course) and one is talking! lol That may be typing/talking... I just don't like to keep many of my thoughts to myself apparently. I love new friends and would love to "meet" you!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Anita where art thou?

Eh, so i've been MIA again... For shame, I know.

I really need to get in the habit of doing this daily instead of... oh idk bathing? haha jk. But seriously, one of you get on me to blog everyday! Or, all of you would be even better!

So there has been a terrible amount of drama on the forum I regular lately. Freaking trolls. It's wonderful when they stick around for OVER A YEAR and are sooo wrapped up in their fake lives that they don't even realize that they are lying anymore. Oh did I mention that they stole 9 months worth of pictures of someone elses family so that they could pass them off as their own? Yea. Can we say psychopath? She also wants to continue being best friends with the best friend she had on there... Too bad their friendship was based off of A FAKE BABY! People are insane.

So... make sure you don't post too much info that you keep public on the interwebz.

As for RL news... Nothing much is new. I'm laame.. lol I'm currently makin no-bake cookies... at 10:30 pm. Yes, I know, I rawk. Well guess I should go eat 'em while they're hot. I like 'em best that way
