About Me

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I'm just a crazy young mom doing what's best for my son and me, while trying to find my place in the world. I'm addicted to a few things... (nothing bad of course) and one is talking! lol That may be typing/talking... I just don't like to keep many of my thoughts to myself apparently. I love new friends and would love to "meet" you!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

STOP with the mind games!!!

Okay seriously... You're not my husband. Fuck, you're not even my boyfriend. There is NO reason to lie to me. I honestly don't even care that you have a gf back home... or gf in general. It's the fact that you fucking try to lie about it and say that you don't and then comment her on myspace saying "happy 1 year 11 months babe!!" TWO FUCKING DAYS AGO. Um Obviously you have a girl. I'm not an idiot and I have my ways of viewing shit you think I can't see. Remember, stop trying to play a fucking FEMALE honors student. I'll win. Trust me i'm wayy smarter than you.

That being said, I don't even really care about any of it anymore. I made the mistake of caring about you the first time around and I really shouldn't even be messing around with you anymore but... what can I say, it's amazing. I just wish you'd stop freaking lying to me! Gawd! Don't you realize that people ALWAYS find out. Monkeygirl WILL find out someday. I'm sure she already has suspicions, hell, I did/do and I see you atleast 4 days a week! But I've decided I don't give a damn about it. You're nothing but an orgasm to me [well maybe multiple... but still]. rofl.

You get jealous when I ignore you in public and talk to other guys. You get jealous when you think i'm "talking" to other people... and you freaking tell your mom you're chilling with me and then when the topic of me getting pregnant gets brought up you're so non-chalant about it... Which is a guy thing, i'm sure, but you'd think since you have a gf back home and you are just playing stupid games you'd be a little more worried about it, you know, considering I'm obviously not infertile and all. Pero if you want to be stupid, go the fuck ahead, I won't mind collecting child support for the 18 years following the birth of said "oops" baby.

I just don't get it. I mean, I can totally understand cheating. I can totally understand not wanting to commit. What I don't understand is the reason behind the lies. I have been completely honest with you and even told you it's okay if there is someone else (or more). I just want to KNOW so that I can decide if I want to sleep with the whole town or not. I don't think that's too much to ask.

Oh and this time around. Do NOT act like you give a damn about my kid. You don't. Or else you wouldn't lie to me. Friend or not, you do not give a fuck about either of us. You're no true "friend" to me. And I swear to the holy lord above, if you open your mouth again about us... You will be missing an appendage or two. >_<. Or maybe i'll just tell miss monkey, in my last dying breath. Keep that in mind "sweetie".
